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Using Kusto functions in Power BI datasource

· 2 min read
Kome Hoang
Maintainer of Automaly


How to

Let's create demo data for testing

For the purpose of testing and demonstrating, I will create a new table in my testing ADX cluster (everyone can create their own free cluster following Create a free Azure Data Explorer cluster). Let's call it UserAsset.

The table will have two fields:

  • User - type string
  • NumberOfLaptop - type integer

The script is as below.

.create table UserAsset 
User: string
, NumberOfLaptop: int

Then, we will put some demo data into the table.

.ingest inline into table UserAsset <|

We will have the table and its data like below.

| project
, NumberOfLaptop
, IngestedOn = ingestion_time()
| order by NumberOfLaptop desc

Kusto table and data

Get data from Azure Data Explorer (ADX) to Power BI (PBI)

Simple enough, we then can use the very Kusto query (KQ) in PBI Desktop to get such data.

Add new datasource in PBID

We can copy the query here.

Add query to datasource

Upon clicking OK and transform the data, we will have the data available. Notice that whole KQ will be put as plain text in the source.

Alt text

Using Kusto function to simplify the process

Now, we can create a function to get data from ADX to PBI Desktop.

.create function GetDataForPBI() {
| project
, NumberOfLaptop
, IngestedOn = ingestion_time()
| order by NumberOfLaptop desc

Create function

Then, we can simply call the function from PBI to get the data instead of calling the whole query.

Getting data using function

Enhacing data by altering the function

We can even passing parameters to the functions to alter the data. In this case, let's try adding some texts to User. My function would become as below:

  • Taking a boolean input _addText, it is defaulted to false
  • If _addText is true, add some text to User
  • Else, leave User as it is

Notice that we will need to use create-or-alter because the function is existing already.

.create-or-alter function GetDataForPBI(_addText:bool = false) {
| extend
User = iff(
, strcat(
, "-AddedText"
, User
| project
, NumberOfLaptop
, IngestedOn = ingestion_time()
| order by NumberOfLaptop desc

Then, we can call the function from PBI and add the parameter to see how the data is reflected.

Function with parameters

We can even add new columns from ADX and the new data will be reflected on PBI. For example, I will add a column (with emoji) to indicate someone is owning more than one laptop.

My function will become as below.

.create-or-alter function GetDataForPBI(_addText:bool = false) {
| extend
User = iff(
, strcat(
, "-AddedText"
, User
| project
, NumberOfLaptop
, IngestedOn = ingestion_time()
, OwningMoreThanOneLaptop = iff(
NumberOfLaptop > 1
, "💻+"
, ""
| order by NumberOfLaptop desc

Upon refreshing the source, we can see the new column coming up.

New column from Kusto