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How to remove SSRS reports in FinOps Cloud-Hosted

There are 2 ways that you can delete SSRS reports in FinOps cloud-Hosted

1. Using Report server configuiration manager web portal

Open Report server configuiration manager from your VM FinOps Cloud-Hosted and active the Web Portal


You can delete any report from [Servername]/Reports/browse/Dynamics


2. Using Powershell script

Go to RemoveAllReportsFromSsrs.ps1 under K:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory\Plugins\AxReportVmRoleStartupTask

Run the script to remove all SSRS report.

If you want to remove a specific report, you can manipulate the $ReportName

# This script is used to manually remove reports to SSRS server
[Alias("ReportServerFqdn", "ReportServerName")]
[string[]]$ReportServerIp = "",
[string[]]$ReportName = "[report-name].[design-name]",
[switch]$UseHttps = $false,
[int]$HttpsPort = 443,
[switch]$Help = $false

Check this article for deploy report using PS script.