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How to get FinOps Azure storage blob connection string

In Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations Azure storage is used to

And more!

If you are using tier 1 Cloud-Hosted environment, you can find the azure storage from the Azure resource group in Azure portal.

For tier 1, UAT tier 2, and PROD Tier 3, you can create a runnable class and execute to get the Azure storage connection string.

using Microsoft.Dynamics.Clx.ServicesWrapper;
class GetAzureBlob
public static void main(Args _args)
info('AzureStorageConnectionString = ' + CloudInfrastructure::GetCsuStorageConnectionString());
info('ClientCertificateThumbprint = ' + CloudInfrastructure::GetCsuClientCertificateThumbprint());

Once you have the connection string, you can connect it to MS Azure Storage Explorer, Power Automate, or consuming in any framwork/language for integration/backup purposes.