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Unable to start trace, the required event providers were not found. Contact your system administrator

The error pops when you start the trace: Unable to start trace, the required event providers were not found. Contact your system administrator.


Cause: Some how you dont have Dynamics in event viewer


Resolution: execute the script below under C:\Temp in powershell

$AOSSetupETWManifestDir = "K:\AosService\WebRoot\Monitoring"
foreach ($manifestFile in Get-ChildItem -Path $AOSSetupETWManifestDir\*.man | select-object -Property BaseName,Name)
if ((Test-Path "$AOSSetupETWManifestDir\$($manifestFile.BaseName).Instrumentation.dll"))
$dllFile = "$AOSSetupETWManifestDir\$($manifestFile.BaseName).Instrumentation.dll"
elseif ((Test-Path "$AOSSetupETWManifestDir\$($manifestFile.BaseName)Resource.dll"))
$dllFile = "$AOSSetupETWManifestDir\$($manifestFile.BaseName)Resource.dll"
elseif ((Test-Path "$AOSSetupETWManifestDir\$($manifestFile.BaseName).dll"))
$dllFile = "$AOSSetupETWManifestDir\$($manifestFile.BaseName).dll"
Write-Host "Warn : Skipping $AOSSetupETWManifestDir\$($manifestFile.Name) as DLL not found"

Write-Host "Installing $AOSSetupETWManifestDir\$($manifestFile.Name) using $dllFile"
wevtutil.exe im "$AOSSetupETWManifestDir\$($manifestFile.Name)" /rf:"$dllFile" /mf:"$dllFile"
Write-Host "Finished installing $AOSSetupETWManifestDir\$($manifestFile.Name) `n`n"

Then restart the VM by LCS or Azure portal, you will get the Dynamics back in the event viewer and able to start the trace normally.
